The Problem with Chocolate  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , ,

Most people have heard that chocolate is good for you. But now, the medical journal Lancet is bursting the chocolate bubble.

Just in time for the holidays, a Lancet editorial published recently notes that there won't be a "truffle treatment" for heart disease any time soon. In fact, the editors point out that the very thing that makes chocolate good for you — the antioxidants called flavanols – also make chocolate taste bitter. As a result, confectionery makers often take out the flavanols, stripping the chocolate of its main health-promoting properties. Worse, labels usually don't tell you whether your chocolate comes with or without flavanols, making it tough to know if a particular piece of chocolate has any health benefits at all.

This depressing news comes just a month after Circulation, the medical journal for the American Heart Association, created a stir when it reported a study of 22 heart transplant patients who were given a dose of dark chocolate or fake chocolate. Just two hours after eating the real thing, patients had measurable improvements in blood flow and vascular function and less clotting, compared to placebo chocolate eaters, who experienced no changes.

The Circulation report is the latest in a string of studies touting the benefits of chocolate. The flavonoids in chocolate, which include the antioxidants called flavanols, are similar to those found in tea, red wine and some fruits and vegetables, foods also known for their heart-healthy effects.

To boost your chances of getting a flavanol-rich bar, the best bet is to look for very dark chocolate with few added ingredients, notes Dr Jacob Shani, chairman of the Cardiac Institute at Maimonides Medical Centre in Brooklyn, NY.

The darker the chocolate, the higher it's likely to be in flavonoids, according to the February issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter. A typical bar of dark chocolate contains an average of 53.5 milligrams of flavonoids. A milk chocolate bar contains less than 14 milligrams, while white chocolate doesn't have any, according to the Mayo report.

But even if your chocolate is loaded with flavanols, it won't be a wonder drug. Most studies show only modest benefits from chocolate, and even though it's good for you, you still have to pay attention to calories and fat.

"If you ask me what's more important, a little physical activity like walking or eating the chocolate, go take your walk," said Dr. Shani. "I don't think in the very near future we're going to tell every patient go ahead and eat lots of chocolate. That would be too good to be true." NYT

Some Facts  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , ,

Ø Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair

Ø The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.

Ø Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our noses and ears
never stop growing.

Ø You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV.

Ø A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation.

Ø Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a
few weeks.

Ø Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

Ø The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.

Ø When the moon is directly overhead, you weigh slightly less.

Ø Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never telephoned
his Wife or mother because they were both deaf.

Ø "I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language

Ø Colgate faced big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking
countries because Colgate translates into the command "go hang yourself."

Ø The smallest unit of time is the yoctosecond

Ø Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different

Ø "Bookkeeper" is the only word in English language with three consecutive
double letters

Ø Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed
people do

Ø The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every
letter in the English language

Ø If the population of China walked past you in single line, the line would
never end because of the rate of reproduction

Ø China has more English speakers than the United States

Ø Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell.

Ø Each square inch of human skin consists of twenty feet of blood vessels.

Ø The longest place name still in use is:

nuakitanatahu- a New Zealand hill

Ø If you leave Tokyo by plane at 7:00am, you will arrive in Honolulu (US)
at approximately 4:30pm the previous day.

Interesting Story  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , , , ,

A certain rich businessman had a beautiful daughter, who fell in
love with a guy who was a cleaner.

When the girl's father came to know about their love, he did not
like it at all, and so began to protest about it.

Now it happened that the two lovers decided to leave their homes
for a happy future. The girl's father started searching for the two
lovers but could not find them.

At last, he accepted their love and asked them to come back home in
a local newspaper. Her father said "If you both come back I will
allow you to marry the guy you love, I accept that you loved each
other t truly."

So in this way, their love won and they returned home.
The couple went t o town to shop for the wedding dress. He was
dressed in white shirt that day. While he was crossing the road to the
other side to get some drinks for his wife, a car came and hit him and he died
on the spot. The girl lost her senses. It was only after sometimes that
she recovered from her shock. The funeral and cremation was the very
next day because he had died horribly.

Two nights later, the girl's mother had a dream in which she saw an
old lady. The old lady asked her mother to wash the blood stains of the
guy from her daughter's dress as soon as possible. But her mother
ignored the dream.

The next night her father had the same dream, he also ignored it.
Then when the girl had the same dream the next night, she woke up in
fear and told her mother about the dream. Her mother asked her to wash
the clothes which have blood stains immediately.

she washed t he stains but some remained. Next night she again had
the same dream she again washed the stains but some still remained.

Next night she again had the same dream and this time the old lady
gave her a last warning to wash the blood stain, or else something
terrible will happen. This time the girl tried her best to wash the
stains, and the clothes nearly tore, but some stains still remained.

She was very tired.

In the late evening the same day while she was alone at home,
someone knocked the door. When she opened the door she saw the same old
lady of her dream standing at her door. She got very scared and fainted.

The old lady woke her up... and gave her a blue object, which
shocked the girl. She asked "What is this...?"
The old lady replied...

"Try Surf Excel Washing powder... just a dab and it will remove all
stubborn stains!!!" .

10 Essential Office Skills  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , , , , , ,

Sardarji Strikes Back..  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , , , , , , ,

Sardarji is in a Quiz Contest trying to win prize money of Rs.2 crore.

The questions are as follows:

1) How long was the 100 yr war?
A) 116
B) 99
C) 100
D) 150
Sardar says "I will skip this"

2) In which country are the Panama hats made?
Sardar asks for help from the University students

3) In which month do the Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
Sardar asks for help from general public

4) Which of these was King George VI first name?
Sardar asks for lucky cards

5) The Canary islands, in the Pacific Ocean , has its name based on
which animal:
Sardar gives up.

LOOK DOWN.......












If u think you are indeed clever and laughed at Sardar's replies, then please check the answers below:

1) The 100 year war lasted 116 years from 1337-1453

2) The Panama hat is made in Equador

3) The October revolution is celebrated in November

4) King George's first name was Albert. In 1936 he changed his name.

5) Puppy. The Latin name is INSULARIA CANARIA which means islands of the puppies.

......Don't ever laugh at a Sardar again

On behalf of,
Manmohan Singh,
Prime Minister , India

Java Interview  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , ,

Q. What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface?
A. Terms are different ... Nothing more

Q. What is JFC ?
A. Jilebi, Fanta & Coffee

Q. Explain 2 tier and 3 -tier Architecture ?
A. Two wheelers like scooters will have 2 tyres and autorickshaws will have 3 tyres.

Q. I want to store more than 10 objects in a remote server ? Which methodology will follow ?
A. Send it through courier.

Q. Can I modify an object in CORBA ?
A. As you wish , I do not have any objections.

Q. How to communicate 2 threads each other ?
A. Non living things can't communicate.

Q. What is meant by flickering ?
A. Closing and opening of eyes at girls.

Q. Explain RMI Architecture?
A. I am a computer professional not an architect student.

Q. What is the use of Servlets ?
A. In hotels, they can replace servers.

Q. What is the dif ference between Process and Threads ?
A. Threads are small ropes. Make a rope from threads is an example for process.

Q. When is update method called ?
A. Who is update method?

Q. What is JAR file ?
A. File that can be kept inside a jar.

Q. What is JINI ?
A. A ghost which was Aladdin's friend.

Q. How will you call an Applet from a Java Script?
A. I will give invitation.

Q. How you can know about drivers and database information ?
A. I will go and enquire in the bus dep to.

Q. What is serialization ?
A. Arranging one after the other from left to right.

Q. What is bean ? Where it can be used ?
A. A kind of vegetable. In kitchens for cooking they can be used.

Q. Write down how will you create a binary Tree ?
A. When we sow a binary seed , a binary tree will grow.

Q. What is the exact diffe rence between Unicast and Multicast object ?
A. If in a society, if there is only one caste, then it is Unicast, else it is multicast

Bihar Driving License  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , ,

BiharDrivingLicense================================================== ===== DRIVING LICENSE APPLIKASON PHOROM -----------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: Please do not Soot the person at the applikason kounter.He will give you the licen.For phurthar instructions, see bottom applikason.

1. Last name:

(_) Yadav (_) Sinha (_) Pandey (_) Misra (_) Dot no

(Check karet box)

2. First name:

(_) Ramprasad (_) Lakhan (_) Sivprasad (_) Jamnaprasad (_) Dot no

(Check karet box)

3. Age:

(_) Less than phipty (_) Greater than phipty (_) Dot no

(Check karet box)

4. Sex: ____ M _____ P(F) _____ not sure _____not applicable

5. Chappal Size: ____ Lepht ____ Right


(_) Politison (_) Doodhwala (_) Pehelwaan (_) House wife (_) Un-employed

(Check karet box)

7. Number of children libing in the household: ___

8. Number that are yours: ___

9. Mather name: _______________________

10. Phather Name: ____________________ (If not no,leave blank)

11. Ejjucason: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed)

12. Dental rekard:

(_) Ellow (_) Berownish-ellow (_) Berown (_) Belack (_) Other -__________ Give egjhakt color

(Check karet box)

13.Your thumb imparesson :

If you are copying from another applikason pharom, please do not copy thumb impression also. Please provide your own thumb impression .)


Use thumb on y our lepht hand only. If you dont have le pht hand, use your thumb on right hand. If you do not have right hand, use thumb on lepht hand.



How smart are you?  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , ,

Quick Test:

1) Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?

2) If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take one pill every half hour, how long would it be before all the pills have been taken?

3) I went to bed at eight o'clock in the evening and wound up my clock and set the alarm to sound at nine o'clock in the morning. How many hours sleep would I get before being awoken by the alarm?

4) Divide 30 by half and add ten. What do you get?

5) A farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 died. How many live sheep were left?

6) If you had only one match and entered a COLD and DARK room, where there was an oil heater, an oil lamp and a candle, which would you light first?

7) A man builds a house with four sides of rectangular construction, each side having a southern exposure. A big bear comes along. What color is the bear?

8) Take 2 apples from 3 apples. What do you have?

9) How many animals of each species did Moses take with him in the Ark?

10) If you drove a bus with 43 people on board from Chicago and stopped at Pittsburgh to pick up 7 more people and drop off 5 passengers and at Cleveland to drop off 8 passengers and pick up 4 more and eventually arrive at Philadelphia 20 hours later, what's the name of the driver?


1) All of them. Every month has at least 28 days.

2) 1 hour. If you take a pill at 1 o'clock, then another at 1.30 and the last at 2 o'clock, they will be taken in 1 hour.

3) 1 hour. It is a wind up alarm clock which cannot discriminate between am & pm.

4) 70. Dividing by half is the same as multiplying by 2.

5) 9 live sheep.

6) The match.

7) White. If all walls face south, the house must be on the North Pole.


9) None. It was Noah, not Moses.

10) You


Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , ,

Have you heard of Mr. Santa Singh applying to a medical school to become a doctor?

Needless to say he never made it. You know why?

These are the answers he wrote in his entrance exam.


Antibody - against everyone

Artery - The study of the paintings.

Bacteria - back door to a cafeteria.

Caesarean section - a district in Rome.

Cardiology - advance study of poker playing.

Cat scan - searching for lost kitty.

Chronic - neck of a crow.

Coma - punctuation mark.

Cortisone - area around local court.

Cyst - short for sister.

Diagnosis - person with slanted nose.

Dilate - the late British Princess Diana.

Dislocation - in this place.

Duodenum - couple in blue jeans.

Enema - not a friend.

Fake labour - pretending to work.

Genes - blue denim.

Hernia - she is close by.

Impotent - distinguished/well known.

Labour pain - hurt at work.

Lactose - people without toes.

Lymph - walk unsteadily.

Microbes - small dressing gown.

Obesity - city of Obe.

Pacemaker - winner of Nobel peace prize.

Proteins - in favour of teens.

Pulse - grain.

Pus - small cat.

Red blood count - Dracula.

Secretion - hiding anything.

Tablet - small table.

Ultrasound - radical noise.

Urine - opposite of you're out.

Varicose - very close.

Hilarious! BSNL service  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , , , , ,

I'm watching my favorite show (Koffee With Karan ) on TV, when the phone rings.

There's a agitated lady on the phone.

Lady: "Hello? BSNL? My phone has not been working for...."
Me (interrupting) : "I think you have the wrong number"
Lady: "Oh! I'm sorry..."

and I hang up the phone. 3 seconds later, it rings again. It's the same lady.

Lady: "Hello? BSNL? My phone is not working..."
Me: "Ma'am, the number you are dialing is the wrong number!", and hang up the phone.

I return to the TV show. It's a juicy episode with Rakhee Savant, and she's bitching about Kareena. And the phone rings again.

Lady: "Hello? BSNL? Listen, don't play games with me, OK? I know this is the right number. Don't try to avoid me. Do you know who I am?"

I realized that this lady was not going to let me watch the show unless someone listened to her complaint.

Me: "Welcome to BSNL's automated fault booking service. To continue in English, press one."


The lady had actually pressed the '1' on her dial pad. Interesting. I thought I'd have some fun.

Me: "To register a complaint, please press the last 5 digits of your Driving License number after the beep. BEEP"

I can hear the lady furiously rummaging through her bag looking for her Driving License. After a while


She had actually found it pretty fast.

Me: "Because of all the SPAM we have been receiving, we will now perform a check to see if you are human. Please enter the result of 35 multiplied by 4 divided by 12"

I can hear the lady shouting out to someone in the background.

Lady: "Prakash, quick! What is 35 times 4 by 12?"
Prakash: "What? Why do you need that?"
Lady: "I'm registering a complaint for our dead phone"
Prakash (sounding somewhat confused): "But why would you need..."
Prakash: "'s...aaaa...elevent point....errr..."


The lady actually enters 1-1 on the dial pad.

Me: "Your complaint has been registered. Thank you for calling BSNL"

The lady sounds pleased. I can hear her speaking to "Prakash"

Lady: "I like BSNL. They have such a high tech system. They didn't even have to ask me for the number of our landline that is dead. Cool!"

Test your intelligence  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , ,

1. Where was the first potato found?

Ans: In the ground.

2. What comes down but never goes up?

Ans: rain.

3. If three cats kill three rats in three minutes, how long will it take hundred cats to kill hundred rats?

Ans: three minutes.

4. What can fly but has no wings?

Ans: Time.

5. What always goes 2 sleeps wearing its shoes?

Ans: Horse.

6. I m like a ribbon, tied by nature, across the sky, what m I?

Ans: Rainbow.

7. How would u write nineteen that if one is taken out, then its remains twenty.

Ans: XIX when one is taken out, its remains XX.

8. There were ten sparrows sitting on a tree. A hunter fired and tow of them fell dead. How many sparrows were left on the tree?

Ans: Non.

9. Two sons and two fathers went hunting. They succeeded in hunting one pigeon each on counting it was found that they were only three pigeons. How is that?

Ans: They were only three persons, son father and grandfather.

10. Which is the hardest key to turn?

Ans: Donkey.

11. which part of London in France?

Ans: -N-

12: why ur nose is not twelve inches long?

Ans: Because then it would be a foot.

13. What r the largest ant in the world?

Ans: Elephant.

14.what is the easiest way to get to heaven quickly?

Ans: just stand in front of the fast moving car

15. Where do fish keep their money?

Ans: at the river bank.

16. Which sea has waves but no water?

Ans: BBC.

17. What do u calls an Arabian milkman?

Ans: milk shaikh.

18. Which is the most shocking city in the world?

Ans: electricity.

19. Why Pakistani cricket team given cigarette lighter?

Ans: because they lost all their matches.

20. Which fish lives in heaven?

Ans: Angel fish.

21. What do u calls a sleeping bull?

Ans: A bulldozer.

Reason why Life without Girl Friend is cool  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , ,

1. You can stare at any Girl.......

2. You don't have to spend money on her.

3. You won't get boring result in ur board papers.

4. No girlfriend, no emotional blackmailing.

5. If u don't have a girlfriend, she can't dump u.

6. Having a girlfriend is hot, not having a girlfriend is automatically cool, and every one loves to be a cool guy.

7. This can be more to life than just waiting for the bloody phone to ring.

8. You won't have to tolerate someone else defining, "right" and "wrong" for u.

9. Girlfriend can get so possessive that you can't do anything according ur wishes anymore.

10. You can buy gifts for mom, dad, sis or grandpa instead of a girlfriend and have a happier family life.

11. You won't have to waste paper writing love letters. No more endless waiting for ur date to arrive at some weird shop place.

12. You can have more friends, as u will have more time for them.

13. You wont have to see boring love stories instead of sports.

14. You wont have to tell lie to anybody and, therefore, u'll sin less.

15. You can have good night's sleep-no need to dream about her.

16. You wont have to fight over having a 'special' friend with ur folks.

17. No nonstop nonsense.

18. You wont have drown in the pool of her tears.

19. No tension.

20. You can be "urself"

21. You wont have to hide your telephone bills.....

Difference b/w Appraisal & Resignation  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , ,

A newly joined trainee engineer asks his boss "what is the meaning of appraisal?"

Boss: "Do you know the meaning of resignation? "

Trainee: "Yes I do"

Boss: "So let me make you understand what a appraisal is by comparing it with resignation"

Comparison study : Appraisal and Resignation

In appraisal meeting they will speak only about your weakness, errors and failures.

In resignation meeting they will speak only about your strengths, past achievements and success.

In appraisal you may need to cry and beg for even 10% hike.

In resignation you can easily demand (or get even without asking) more than 50-60% hike.


During appraisal, they will deny promotion saying you didn't meet the expectation, you don't have leadership qualities, and you had several drawbacks in our objective/goal.

During resignation, they will say you are the core member of team; you are the vision of the company how can you go, you have to take the project in shoulder and lead your juniors to success.


There is 90% chance for not getting any significant incentives after appraisal.

There is 90% chance of getting immediate hike after you put the resignation.


Trainee: "Yes boss enough, now I understood my future. For an appraisal I will have to resign ... !!!"

Aarti Shree GOOGLE Maharaj ki..  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , ,

Om Jai Google Hare !!
Swami Jai Google hare
Programmers ke sankat, Developers ke Sankat,
Click main door kare!!
Om Jai Google Hare !!

Jo Dhyawe vo pawe,
Dukh bin se man ka, Swami dukh bin se man ka,
Homepage ki sampatti lawe, Homework ki sampatti karave
Kasht mite work ka,
Swami Om Jai Google hare!!

Tum puran search engine
Tum hi Internet yaami, Swami Tum hi Internet yaami
Par karo hamari Salari, Par karo hamari apprisal,
Tum dunia ke swami,
Swami Om Jai Google hare.

Tum information ke saagar,
Tum palan karta, swami Tum palan karta,
Main moorakh khalkamii, Main Searcher tum Server-ami
Tum karta dhartaa !!
Swami Om Jai Google hare!!

Din bandhu dukh harta,
Tum rakshak mere, Swami tum thakur mere,
Apni search dikhaao, sare reasearch karao
Site par khada mein tere,
Swami Om Jai Google hare!!

Google devta ki aarti Jo koi programmer gaawe,
Swami Jo koi bhi programmer gaawe,
Kehet SUN swami, MS Hari har swami,
Manwaanchhit fal paawe.
Swami Om Jai Google hare.

Arrested for Laughing  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , , , ,

This is from an actual trial in the UK : A young woman who was several months pregnant boarded a bus.

When She Noticed a young man smiling at her she began feeling humiliated on Account of her condition.

She changed her seat and he seemed more amused.

She moved again and then on her third move he burst out laughing...................She had him arrested.

Then the case came before the court, the young man was asked why he acted in such a manner.

His reply was: When the lady boarded the bus I couldn't help noticing she was pregnant..

She sat under an advertisement, which read: 'Coming Soon: The Gold Dust Twins'.

I was even more amused when she sat under a shaving advertisement, which read: 'William's Stick Did The Trick'.

Then I could not control myself any longer when on the third move she sat under an advertisement, which read: 'Dunlop Rubber would have prevented this accident.'

The case was dismissed.........! !!!!!!!

A Huge Collection of Sardarji's Joke  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , , , ,

1. Jurassic Park

This sardarji goes to see Jurassic Park and when the Dinosaurs start approaching,

he was hiding under his seat when his friend asks him ;kyon sardarji, kya baat hai?

Dar kyon lag raha hai cinema hi to hai.; Sardarji replies ;Aadmi hoon aur akkal hai,

pata hai ki cinema hai, lekin voh to janwar hai, usko kya pata"

2. Brain Tumor

There's a funeral procession of a sardar going on a busy street. All the sardars in the 'mayyat' are dancing the bhangra and singing and general 'balle balle' is

on. The people on the street find it strange that instead of mourning everyone is

celebrating as if its marriage baraat. So one of them asks Santa Singh, ;Singh Saab,

aapka koi sage wala gujar gaya hai aur aap naach rahe ho?; .....comes the reply, ;Haan ji! Hai hi baat badi kushi ki!!! Aaj paheli baar ek sardar brain tumour se mara hai!!!;

3. Photocopy

One Sardar needed two plain papers but he had only one. Do you know what he did:

photocopied the one which he had. sardar are fun aren't

5. One more Plane Crash

Garbachan singh was traveling from Calcutta to Bombay by a plane,

There were one American, one Russian, one Pakistani and some other passengers.

Suddenly something went wrong pilot alarmed that plane lost it's control and some of the passengers have to jump out to rescue the rest of them.

Firstly the American jumped out saying "Jai America"

again the condition didn't change then the Russian jumped out from the plane saying "Jai Russia".

But the condition still the same.

The next is Garbachen's turn he hesitated for a moment and pulled out the Pakistani by saying "Jai India".

6. A Plane journey

A jet ran in to some turbulent weather.

To keep passengers calm, the air hostess brought out the beverage carts.

"I'd like a soda " said the passenger in the front row.

Moving along, the air hostess asked the man behind her if he would like something.

"Yes I would," he replied. "Give me whatever the pilot is drinking!".

7. Crime Story

"I'm going on vacation . Could you suggest a thrilling crime story ?" Santa asks to Banta.

"Here this one is so suspenseful you won't be able to put it down" replies Banta.

"only on the last page do you find out that the gardener did it".

8. New House

Santa meets Banta Santa: "so have you moved to a new house"

Banta: "No."

Santa: "Why not? You advertised to sell your old house, didn't you?"

Banta: "Yes, but when I read the ad, I realized it was just the home I was looking for!".

9. Salt Seller

Do you really sell that much salt? A man asks to a Sardar who is running a grocery shop stocked with thousands of boxes of salt.

"No " says the Sardar. "I sell may be two boxes a month. To tell you the truth, I'm not a good salt seller.

But the one who sell me salt-now he's a good salt seller."

10. Marathon Race

One day Sardar happened to see a marathon race.

"What the guys are doing" asked the sardar.

" We are running a marathon. The winner will get prize" replied one runner.

"Only the winner will get prize! Then why others are participating!!"

Exclaimed the Sardar

13th Floor

One day a sardarji was sitting in his office on the

thirteenth floor building when a man came running in

to his office and shouted "Santa Singh your daughter

Preeto just died in an accident" Sardarji was in

panic.Not knowing what to do he jumped from his office

window. While coming down when he was near the tenth

floor he remembered he didn't have a daughter named

Preeto. When he was near the fifth floor he remembered

he was not married.When he was about to hit the ground

he remembered he was not Santa Singh.

2. Phone Book

A sardar walked up to the front desk of the library

and said, "I borrowed a book last week, but it was the

most boring I've ever read. There was no story

whatsoever, and there were far too many characters!"

The librarian replied, "Oh, you must be the person who

took our phone book."

3. Cows Don't Fly

A sardar was walking along, w! hen he looked up to

observe a bird flying overhead. Suddenly, the bird

dropped a load when it was directly over him. The

Sardar says, "Good thing that cows don't fly."

4. Dark Room

Did you hear about the sardar who asked his friends to

give him all their burnt out light bulbs? He just

bought a camera and wanted to set up a Darkroom.

5. Relaxing

One Sardar was enjoying Sun on a Beach in UK.A lady

came and asked him, " Are you relaxing" Sardar

answered '" No I am Banta Singh" Another Guy Came and

asked! ! ! ! the same Question. Sardar answered " No No Me

! Banta Singh" Third one came and asked the same

question Sardar was totally annoyed and decided to

shift his place. While walking he saw another Sardar

enjoying the Beach. He went and asked him " Are you

Relaxing?" The other Sardar was much educated and

answered "Yes I am relaxing. The Sardar slapped him on

his face and said "Idiot, Sab tere Ko wahahn dhoo! nd

rahe hai aur tu Yahaan Aaram Kar raha hai. "

6. Wash Basin

A Sardarji goes to a hotel and eats heartily. After eating he goes to wash

his hands but starts washing the basin instead. The manager comes running

and asks him, "Prahji, aap kya kar rahe ho?" To this the man replies,

"Oye, tumne hi to idhar board lagaya hai "Wash Basin".

7. Three Engines

Fifteen minutes into the flight from Mankuwa City to Sukhpur city, the

captain announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, one of our engines has failed..

There is nothing to worry about. Our flight will take an hour longer than

scheduled, but we still have three engines left."

Thirty minutes later the captain announced, "One more engine has failed and

the flight will take an additional two hours. But don't worry ... we can

fly just fine on

two engines." An hour later the captain announced, "One more engine has

failed and

our arrival will be delayed another three hours.But don't worry ... ! we

still have one

engine left." A sardarji passenger turned to the man in the next seat and


"If we lose one more engine,we'll be up here all day!"

8. Detective Job

Three men were applying for the same job as a detective. One was a


one was Jewish, and one was Italian. The chief decided to ask each

applicant just one

question and base his decision upon that answer. When the Jewish man

arrived for his

interview, the chief asked him, "Who killed Jesus Christ?" The Jewish man


without hesitation. "The Romans killed him." The chief thanked him and he


When the Italian man arrived for his interview, the chief asked the Same

question. He

replied "Jesus was killed by the Jews." Again, the chief thanked the man

who then

left. Finally the Sardarji arrived for his interview, he was asked the same


He thought for a long time, before saying,"Could I have some time to think

about it?"

The chief said,"OK, but get back to me tomorro! w." When the Sardarji

arrived home

, his wife asked "How was the interview ?". Sardarji replied, "Great, I got

the job,

and I'm already investigating a murder.

9. Guooonn, Guooonn

Talking about those days when there were no mosquito repellents and we

had to spend sleepless nights. Sardarji was also experiencing the same

every time. he tries to sleep,one mosquito comes and disturbs his sleep

with a

sound "guooonn, guooonn."

He gets very irritated. He tries to cover his ear but the problem remains


Ultimately he gets up and catches the mosquito in his hand. He is very kind

and not

for the blood shed but still wanted to take revenge. Happy as he is now

starts singing

a lullaby and says "so ja machchar, bete so ja". After some time he finds

the mosquito

falling into deep sleep in his hands. So he goes near it and says

"Guoooonnnnn, guoooonnnnn."

10. Urine Test

Two sardarjis were sitting outside a clinic. One of ! them was crying like

anything. So the other asked,"Why are you crying?" The first one replied,

"I came here for blood test" Second one asked," So? Are you afraid?"

First one replied,"No, not that. During the blood test they cut my finger"

Hearing this the second one started crying. The first one was astonished


asked other, "Why are you crying?" The other replied, "I have come for my

urine test."

11. Bihari-Sardar

A Bihari was waiting for his bus at the bus stop. Finally the bus arrives

and he gets in. The bus is fully loaded with sardarjis. One sardarji orders

Bihari to tell a joke. Now, the Bihari thinks he's in big trouble because

he knows only sardar jokes! After thinking for some time he decides to

substitute all

references to 'sardars' in his joke with 'Biharis'. He starts the jokes

with, "There

was once a Bihari..." And suddenly he gets a major blow on his back from

one of the

sardarjis who shouts, "Kyon be! Sab sardar mar g! aye hai kya?"

12. Wrong Answer

Santa Singh applied for an engineering position at DEMAN CONSTRUCTION

office in Amritsar. Reddy from Chennai applied for the same job and both

applicants having the same qualifications were asked to take a test by


manager Mr. Arvin Singh. Upon completion of the test, the results showed

that both

men only missed one of the questions. The manager went to Santa and said,

"Thank you

for your interest, but we've decided to give the job to Reddy".

Santa: And why would you be doing that? We both got 9 questions correct.

This being

Punjab I should get the job!"

Manager: "We have made our decision not on the correct answers, but on the


question that you got wrong.

"Santa: "And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?"

Manager: "Simple, for the question that both of you got wrong, Reddy put

down 'I don't know' as the answer. And you wrote 'Neither do I'!"

13. Road to Stati! on

Sardarji praising his son who is a Civil engineer, who just laid a road

near his house. "Wow! This is terrific! Look at the job he has done!

The distance from my house to the railway station is the same as the


station to my house!!!!!!!!"

14. Green TV

Sardarji is buying a TV.

"Do you have colour TVs?"


"Give me a green one, please."

15. Just a second

Sardarji calls Air India. "How long does it take to fly to Amritsar?"

"Just a sec," says the receptionist. "Thank you." says the Sardar and hangs


16. Salary Expected

Sardarji is filling up a job application.

He promptly fills in the lines on NAME, AGE, ADDRESS, etc.

Then came the column SALARY EXPECTED. After much thought he writes: Yes.

17. Crocodile Boots

Sardarji proposes to a woman. She says yes, if you bring me a pair of

crocodile boots.

He sets off to Africa and disappears. Finally they find him hunting croc!


and watch him killing a huge one. He walks over the reptile, checks its

legs, angrily

exclaims: "71st and *again* barefoot!"

18. Thermos Flask

Sardarji goes into a store and sees a shiny object.

He asks the clerk, "What is that shiny object?"

The clerk replies, "That is a Thermos flask."

The Sardar asks, "What does it do?"

The clerk responds, "Keeps hot things hot and cold things cold."

The Sardar says, "I'll take it!"

The next day, he walks into work with his new Thermos.

His Sardar boss sees him and asks,

"What is that shiny object with you?" He said, "It's a Thermos flask."

The boss asks, "What does it do?"

He replies, "Keeps hot things hot and cold things cold."

The boss said, "Wow, what do you have in it?"

The Sardar replies, "Two cups of coffee and a coke."

19. Answering Machine

Sardarji fixed an answering machine at home.

Two days later he disconnected it because he was getting co! mplaints like

"Saala phone utha ke bolta hai ghar pe nahin hai."

20. Photocopies

What does Sardarji do after taking photocopies?

He compares it with the original for spelling mistakes.

Sardarji's Mom's Letter  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , ,

Dear Banta

I am in a well here and hoping you are in the same well there. I'm writing
this letter slowly, because I know you cannot read

We don't live where we did when you left home. Your dad read in the
newspaper that most accidents happen 20 miles from home, so we moved 20

I wont be able to send the address as the last Sardar who stayed here took
the house numbers with them for their new house so they would not have to
change their address. Hopefully by next week we will be able to bring our
earlier address plate here, so that our address will remain same too.

This place is really nice. It even has a washing machine, situated right
above the commode. I'm not sure it works. Last week I put in 3 shirts,
pulled the chain and haven't seen them since.

The weather here isn't too bad. It rained only twice last week. The first
time it rained for 3 days and second time for 4

The coat you wanted me to send you, your Aunt said it would be a little
too heavy to send in the mail with all the metal buttons, so we cut them
off and put them in the pocket.

Your father has another job. He has 500 men under him. He is cutting the
grass at the cemetery.

By the way I took Bahu to our club's poolside. The manager is really
badmash. He told her that two-piece swimming suit is not allowed in this
club. We were confused as to which piece should we remove?

Your sister had a baby this morning. I haven't found out whether it is a
girl or a boy, so I don't know whether you are an Aunt or

Your uncle, Jetinder fell in a nearby well. Some men tried to pull him
out, but he fought them off bravely and drowned. We cremated him and he
burned for three days.

Your best friend, Balwinder, is no more. He died trying to fulfill his
father's last wishes. His father had wished to be buried at sea after he
died. And your friend died while in the process of digging a grave for his father.

There isn't much more news this time. Nothing much has

P.S: Beta, I was going to send you some money but by the time I realized,
I had already sealed off this

Difference b/w India & US  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , , , , , , ,

While visiting India , George Bush was invited to tea with Abdul Kalam.
He asks Kalam what his leadership philosophy is. He says
that, it is to surround himself with intelligent people.

Bush asks how he knows if they're intelligent.
"I do so by asking them the right questions," says the Kalam.
"Allow me to demonstrate. "

Bush watches as Kalam phones Manmohan Singh and says, "Mr. Prime Minister, please answer this question: your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or sister. Who is it?"
Manmohan immediately responds, "It's me, Sir !"

"Correct. Thank you and good-bye, sir," says Kalam. He hangs up and says, "Did you get that, Mr. Bush?"

Bush nods: "Yes Mr.President. Thanks a lot. I'll definitely be using that!" Bush, upon returning to Washington , decides he'd better put the Condoleeza Rice to the test. Bush summons her to the White House and says, "Condoleeza, I wonder if you can answer a question for me."

"Why, of course, sir. What's on your mind?"

Bush poses the question: "Uhh, your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Rice was puzzled and finally asks, "Can I think about it and get back to you?" Bush agrees, and Rice leaves. Rice immediately calls a meeting of senior senators, and they puzzle over the question for several hours, but nobody can come up with an answer. Finally, in desperation, Rice calls Colin Powell and explains the problem. "Mr. Powell, your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Powell answers immediately, "It's me, of course."

Much relieved, Rice rushes back to the White House, finds George Bush, and exclaims, "I know the answer, sir! I know who it is! It's our Colin Powell!"

And Bush replies in disgust, "Wrong, it's Manmohan Singh!"

A different Love Letter  

Posted by: Ankit Srivastava in , , , , , ,

A teenage college guy sent a love letter (in Q/A format) to his classmate.

My Dearest Reshma,

Please answer the following questionnaire. For Options

(A) 10 marks,
(b) 5marks and
(c) 3 marks.


1) Whenever you enter the class room, your sight always falls on me because:

(a) of love
(b) you couldn't control seeing me
(c) really ... Am I doing it?


2) Whenever professor cracks joke, you laugh and turn and look at me because:

(a) you always like to see me smiling
(b) you are testing whether I like jokes
(c) you are attracted by my smile


3) When you were singing in the class, I entered and immediately you stopped singing because:

(a) you are so coy to sing before me
(b) my presence influenced you
(c) you feared that whether I'll like your song


4) When you were showing your childhood photo, when I asked for it, you hide it because:

(a) you felt ashamed
(b) you felt uneasy
(c) you don't know


5) During trekking, myself and my friend gave you hand for lifting you and you took only my friend's because:

(a) you enjoyed my disappointment
(b) you won't feel leaving my hand after grabbing
(c) you don't know


6) You were waiting yesterday for bus and didn't get into your bus...

(a) you were waiting for me
(b) you were dreaming about me and didn't notice the bus
(c) that bus was crowded


7) You introduced me to your parents when they came to college because:

(a) I am going to be your groom
(b) you just want to know what your parents think about me
(c) just you felt like introducing me to them


8) I told that I like girls wearing roses. Next day, you came with a rose on your head because:

(a) to fulfill my wish
(b) you like roses
(c) by chance you got a rose


9) On that day, it was my birthday. You too came to temple early at 6:00 A.M because:

(a) you want to pray along with me
(b) you want to meet me before any one could meet on my birthday
(c) you want to wish me at temple because you are spiritual.


If you have scored more than 40, then you are loving me. Don't delay in expressing it.

If you have scored between 30 and 40, love is budding in your heart and it's getting ready to bloom. If you have scored less than 30, you are in confusion whether to love me or not.

Eagerly awaiting your reply..

Love , Aakash


Reshma's reply letter was also in Q/A format ........

Aakash ,

Please answer the following Yes/No questionnaire.


1) If somebody sits in the first row, normally people entering the class, sees them.

(a) Yes (b) No


2) If a girl laughs and looks anyone, is it love?

(a) Yes (b) No


3) While singing, if somebody forgets lines of the songs, will he/she stop singing or not?

(a) Yes (b) No


4) I was showing to my friends (who are all girls) my childhood photo.

You poked your nose inside..... Right ?

(a) Yes (b) No


5) I avoided to hold your hand during trekking. Couldn't you understand yet?

(a) Yes (b) No


6) Should I not wait for my best friend (Anjali ) at the bus stand?

(a)Yes (b) No


7) Shouldn't I introduce you to my parents as a friend?

(a) Yes (b) No


8) You have said you also like Lotus, cauliflower, banana's flower. Is it true ?

(a) Yes (b) No


9) Oh was that your birthday. That's why I could see you in temple. I come daily to Temple. Do you know ?

(a) Yes (b) No

If you have answered "Yes" to any of the question, then I am not loving you. If you have answered "No", then you don't know the meaning of Love.

Hope everything is clear to you .